Prepare for an IT disaster or ransomware threat with a Disaster Recovery plan

From just £49 a month your business can implement a disaster recovery plan. If the worst happens you will be covered. Call us on 01333 329118 and we'll talk you through what's involved.

We know this is not a very sexy subject, just like insurance it has no real interest until you need it. However creating and implementing a Disaster Recovery plan is not expensive and you don't have to be a large organisation to need one, we all need one.

A disaster recovery plan with us will protect you from Ransomware.


Here are some Ransomware facts, and they are a little scary:

  • Just 4% of organisations are very confident about their ability to deal with a ransomware attack. If this includes you then read no further.
  • How much? 65% are for over £1000, 20% for over £10,000 and 1% for over £150,000
  • 58% of UK companies pay up.
  • 63% incur serious downtime.
  • 32% lost files after refusing to pay.

To make this as simple as possible here is our advice, all of which we will do for you with one of our Disaster Recovery plans:

  • Backup ALL your data offsite.
  • Make sure your backup works and can be restored from.
  • Do not consider syncing services such as Dropbox as protection, they aren't.
  • Create a disaster recovery plan. If you don't know how to do this ask us. It's neither hard no expensive.
  • Test what you have in place.